Best Career and College Advise

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WLA (Workplace Leadership Assessment)

  • Price : INR 3000/- (MRP)

Assessment of underlying traits and behaviours that are extremely important to build and display people leadership in workplace - whether being part of a team or leading your own team. You identify key strengths & concern areas. You then get practical growth recommendations for concern areas. Mentoring session helps you get deeper insights and create a growth plan.

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WLS (Work-life Satisfaction)

  • Price : INR 3000/- (MRP)

Assessment of your self-concept, values and fulfilment of values through work. All these are important determinants of satisfaction. You identify positive areas as well as areas of concern areas. You then get practical growth recommendations for concern areas. Mentoring session helps you get deeper insights and create a growth plan.

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WPA (Workplace Performance Ability)

  • Price : INR 3000/- (MRP)

Assessment of aptitude as well as workplace relevant skills. Both of these are important for satisfactory performance at work. You identify key strengths and development areas. You further get recommendations for development. Mentoring session helps you get deeper insights and create a growth plan.

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CMS (Career Mentor Solution)

  • Price : INR 7500/- (MRP)

It is a comprehensive assessment of work-life satisfaction, workplace performance ability as well as workplace people leadership ability. It thus provides a thorough understanding of your current career situation. It gives strengths and concern areas along with development recommendations. Mentoring gives deeper insights and helps you prepare a growth plan.

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SDP-1 (Skill Development Program Level 1)

  • Price : INR 2000/- (MRP)

Designed for 1st year college students, this assessment gives an awareness about key parameters important in performing well on your assignments in modern work place. You identify your strengths an development areas. You get growth recommendations in areas of concern. Mentoring session provides deeper insights and helps to create a development plan

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SDP-2 (Skill Development Program - Level 2)

  • Price : INR 2000/- (MRP)

Designed for 2nd year college students, this assessment gives an awareness about key parameters important in displaying persona leadership in modern work place. You identify your emotional management abilities as well as skills required to establish yourself as an asset to organization. You identify strengths and concern areas. You get growth recommendations. Mentoring session helps you to prepare a development plan.
